Summer Lovin . . .

Why does this summer seem like the calm before the storm? Tomorrow is supposed to be complete chaos in the City with the Gay Pride Parade — which we plan to attend. Gotta do it. Gotta show up for equal rights. Gotta keep the faith that America is still the land of the free. Do you ever get Letters From the Universe? And keep them to remind you anything is still possible? I do. Here’s one: Having a dream . . . Courage Visualizing your dream . . . Persistence Physically moving towards your dream . . . Guts Letting …

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Becoming History

With everyone glued to the daily soap opera that is Trump’s Washington these days, I wonder what our history books will write about this marker time in America’s history. The conflicting views coming from Fox Networks vs MSNBC is enough to make me put on my rose-colored glasses, focus on what I can control in my own life and pray the chaos will come under control one day soon. However, as with the Holocaust, some actually want to believe the horror that was Hitler never happened! Many history books are being re-written to the extent future generations of children are …

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